
What's included:

  • Exclusive, private use of Sherman Gardens from 5:00 pm until 10:00 pm on the day of your wedding
  • 1-hour rehearsal at the ceremony site
  • Up to 150 ceremony chairs, Central Garden market lights, outdoor lounge furniture (seats 8 - 10) and a ceremonial arbor (optional).
  • A garden employee on property on the day of your wedding
  • Private Dressing Room & Restroom
  • Arrival at 2:30 pm on the day of the wedding for photography. Your DJ, musicians, and florist may arrive as early as 3:30 pm
  • Complimentary parking in our two adjacent lots
Private Dressing Room

Check Availability

Does your desired date appear to be available?  Kindly call our Events Manager at 949.673.2261, ext. 308 or email to absolutely confirm as the wedding website calendar is updated twice a month.
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